Sign Up Meetings
March 17th, 5:30 Commons area Doniphan-Trumbull School
March 20th, 5:30 Grand Island Walnut Middle School
March 24th, 5:00 – 7:00 Hastings Adams County Fairgrounds Community Service Building
March 26th, 5:30 St Paul Civic Center
March 31st, 6:00 Trumbull Community Center
You may come to any sign up meeting and still work in the town of your choice.
You must bring your Social Security Card and Documents for the I-9 form. Bring one parent if under 18 years old.
All towns will be 12 years old and older except Grand Island.
The Grand Island crew will be 13 years old and older. Before we decide if we will take 12 year olds from Grand Island, we will see how many 13 year olds and older we sign up for the buses we have available.
You may download the forms and fill them out before the meeting. These forms are available on the application and forms tab.
You will need to bring them to a meeting so we can check them and scan your documents. We will have paperwork at the meeting also.